for bringing family on Qatar, your salary should be...
8200 QR is inclusive with accommodations too? Its bit...
Why you are asking "SECRET" tips on public...
I don't know about salary as per your exp and all...
Thanks !! JazakALLAH !!
So I assume safely that I can get accommodation at...
Thanks !! :) :) Any idea how far these available...
how much exp you have ?
May ALLAH bless him/her with shifa !! Ameen !! Please...
@ ^^ No as I am still in India so asking about applying...
for bringing family on Qatar, your salary should be...
8200 QR is inclusive with accommodations too? Its bit...
Why you are asking "SECRET" tips on public...
I don't know about salary as per your exp and all...
Thanks !! JazakALLAH !!
So I assume safely that I can get accommodation at...
Thanks !! :) :) Any idea how far these available...
how much exp you have ?
May ALLAH bless him/her with shifa !! Ameen !! Please...
@ ^^ No as I am still in India so asking about applying...