Would have taken it but your Tank is too big for my...
All the best in your new adventure. Don't know much of...
Go to any Appliances Showrooms like National, Philips,...
Check your power steering Oil it might be empty...
Learning anything new is always good I would say...
Mobile Phone, Gold chain with a pendant or Gold...
170 kids but how many was his really
Near Arab R/A Bashir Radio and some other shops neat it...
lol no comment
Good Morning Azy Due to Ramadan work is slow so...
Would have taken it but your Tank is too big for my...
All the best in your new adventure. Don't know much of...
Go to any Appliances Showrooms like National, Philips,...
Check your power steering Oil it might be empty...
Learning anything new is always good
I would say...
Mobile Phone, Gold chain with a pendant or Gold...
170 kids but how many was his really
Near Arab R/A Bashir Radio and some other shops neat it...
lol no comment
Good Morning Azy
Due to Ramadan work is slow so...