Take it as a joke dopnt be so serious
Pass the bobcorn n bebsi please
Ask for executive room shared rooms are a real pain in...
For that amount you wont get a bare room forget semi...
Iran does not believe in it
"Love is a temporary madness that erupts like an...
Check with Oryx she has a book exchange programe...
Congrats congrats congrats wish you all the best
Nearly same give or take a couple of Riyals
Take it as a joke dopnt be so serious
Pass the bobcorn n bebsi please
Ask for executive room shared rooms are a real pain in...
For that amount you wont get a bare room forget semi...
Iran does not believe in it
"Love is a temporary madness that erupts like an...
Check with Oryx she has a book exchange programe
Congrats congrats congrats wish you all the best
...Nearly same give or take a couple of Riyals