"Some trends developing in the USA such as "Creationism...
A proper survey conducted by a reputable publication...
"The great majority of modern physicists accept the...
The premise does not work.
replace the word god...
if as you say: "without seeking any help/...
Have a look at this regarding your statement: "...
does indeed exist in dictionaries with and without a...
being imposed on others.
Nuff said
I don'...
What happened to the All Blacks 2nd half??!!
I don't go to mythical places with strange men....
"Some trends developing in the USA such as "Creationism...
A proper survey conducted by a reputable publication...
"The great majority of modern physicists accept the...
The premise does not work.
replace the word god...
if as you say:
"without seeking any help/...
Have a look at this regarding your statement:
does indeed exist in dictionaries with and without a...
being imposed on others.
Nuff said
I don'...
What happened to the All Blacks 2nd half??!!
I don't go to mythical places with strange men....