Yes Risks chup you bald kuttā!
Kannan: Ok ); better be a quick one ):
Listening to adnan sami" kabhi kabhi" Empty vodka...
Reading all of this makes me wanna scream (((bachaoooo...
Mara Dil ba hout byar kir tahooo! (Minus katrina's...
isn't daal=heart?
Yeah Yeah! BTW I still think Rizk should report...
Suli: u sure that's the correct translation? :P...
Rizks: If i were u I would report Suli to the mods for...
Yes Risks chup you bald kuttā!
Kannan: Ok ); better be a quick one ):
Listening to adnan sami" kabhi kabhi"
Empty vodka...
Reading all of this makes me wanna scream (((bachaoooo...
Mara Dil ba hout byar kir tahooo! (Minus katrina's...
isn't daal=heart?
Yeah Yeah!
BTW I still think Rizk should report...
Suli: u sure that's the correct translation? :P...
Rizks: If i were u I would report Suli to the mods for...