Try at the computer shops near Sofitel Hotel.
The price for replacement of the vibrator at CarMax is...
Yes, Rafeeq you are right. That is why I was surprised...
Almost all workshops that do A/c work in Sinaiyah...
A very noble thought. However, when it comes to...
Get hold of a cargo company in the UAE which has...
Get back to school and take some lessons in English....
Possibly, the fun you had with the "girls in your...
Lee Harvey: Since you are accepting the story, it...
Wow. This one has surely has beaten all the others !...
Try at the computer shops near Sofitel Hotel.
...The price for replacement of the vibrator at CarMax is...
Yes, Rafeeq you are right. That is why I was surprised...
Almost all workshops that do A/c work in Sinaiyah...
A very noble thought. However, when it comes to...
Get hold of a cargo company in the UAE which has...
Get back to school and take some lessons in English....
Possibly, the fun you had with the "girls in your...
Lee Harvey: Since you are accepting the story, it...
Wow. This one has surely has beaten all the others !...