While most landlords here in Doha are no doubt terrible...
As Mary Catherine has rightly advised, file a written...
When you go to Barwa Bank, show them all the messages...
Don't worry. Keep hope. Banks know sometimes ATM...
I don't believe you will lose your money. Just...
Imran Khan: Suggest you take the matter up with Barwa...
No, bank statements from any foreign country would not...
Ha! Ha! What a comment by Molten (as usual)! ROFL...
Please don't get carried away by the above post as...
Yes, it is QR 500 for one years extension. You can get...
While most landlords here in Doha are no doubt terrible...
As Mary Catherine has rightly advised, file a written...
When you go to Barwa Bank, show them all the messages...
Don't worry. Keep hope. Banks know sometimes ATM...
I don't believe you will lose your money. Just...
Imran Khan: Suggest you take the matter up with Barwa...
No, bank statements from any foreign country would not...
Ha! Ha! What a comment by Molten (as usual)!
Please don't get carried away by the above post as...
Yes, it is QR 500 for one years extension. You can get...