Thanks for the correction Khanan. and even though...
theo...sorry, but your comment is exactly what is NOT...
Learner, no, not 100%...but I used this as an example...
Khanan, the phrase from the surah in the holy Qu'raan...
Babu, no, not every Ql member will do this.Some yes......
QL has to move away from censorship. All things CAN be...
Babu, in this particular thread religion did have a...
Boxbe, a lot of people agree with each other on QL....
Llr, I know. Still why locking a thread when it is a...
babu...nomerci is never angry.
Thanks for the correction Khanan.
and even though...
theo...sorry, but your comment is exactly what is NOT...
Learner, no, not 100%...but I used this as an example...
Khanan, the phrase from the surah in the holy Qu'raan...
Babu, no, not every Ql member will do this.Some yes......
QL has to move away from censorship. All things CAN be...
Babu, in this particular thread religion did have a...
Boxbe, a lot of people agree with each other on QL....
Llr, I know. Still why locking a thread when it is a...
babu...nomerci is never angry.