landlover, no, no knife, it will not go with the space...
Ahhhh...the karaoke machines will be running hot...
Landlover, ok then, will come by to pick them up as... and your sour grapes....naa, don't...
No thank you...burnt orange is not my colour.
Sulieman, if we did not know better, the whole...
Marco, they were also trafficked to Europe by their own...
If parts of society were not willing to do this...
My mum had a pressure cooker exploded...was...
Can I please be a honourary Indian and join the cool...
landlover, no, no knife, it will not go with the space...
Ahhhh...the karaoke machines will be running hot...
Landlover, ok then, will come by to pick them up as... and your sour grapes....naa, don't...
No thank you...burnt orange is not my colour.
...Sulieman, if we did not know better, the whole...
Marco, they were also trafficked to Europe by their own...
If parts of society were not willing to do this...
My mum had a pressure cooker exploded...was...
Can I please be a honourary Indian and join the cool...