MJ, you are right, it's gone again...only the thread...
M j, right side.....
lol, no, more like old habits are difficult to change...
Never mind, it's on the right side now...;)
And the size of the mountains depends on the size of...
bah humbug!
Da, the Vatican is sending me to Afghanistan
I did.
LIS, I am glad you do. :)
will do tink.
MJ, you are right, it's gone again...only the thread...
M j, right side.....
lol, no, more like old habits are difficult to change...
Never mind, it's on the right side now...;)
...And the size of the mountains depends on the size of...
bah humbug!
Da, the Vatican is sending me to Afghanistan
...I did.
LIS, I am glad you do. :)
will do tink.