Smelly Indian Coolie is back! That calls for a...
No! The worst a nuclear-powered sub could do is leak...
Who do I call for maintenance and how long before they...
Yes, Qatarisun, smartkhan has been on QL several times...
Let's meet by the hockey rink and sing a chorus of "0...
Ouch, I HATE it when this happens. Stealth, it's a...
The farther on the edge of or out of the city the...
Just a thought, but come on over and study at one of...
Oh, darlin', don't worry, you'll do lots of adapting...
Smelly Indian Coolie is back! That calls for a...
No! The worst a nuclear-powered sub could do is leak...
Who do I call for maintenance and how long before they...
Yes, Qatarisun, smartkhan has been on QL several times...
Let's meet by the hockey rink and sing a chorus of "0...
Ouch, I HATE it when this happens. Stealth, it's a...
The farther on the edge of or out of the city the...
Just a thought, but come on over and study at one of...
Oh, darlin', don't worry, you'll do lots of adapting...