against capital punishment?
you need to re-pply them for a visit again. IMO, check...
die by capital punishment, AS some would suggest!
do their job. That why they are there!
And I...
in the wrong profession! Why don't the government have...
on earth and awaiting the day of judgement. That is...
can anyone give me a simple english explanation?...
but he had gone to the mechanic already!
But I...
or you want to impose something that can be interpreted...
against capital punishment?
you need to re-pply them for a visit again. IMO, check...
die by capital punishment, AS some would suggest! their job. That why they are there!
And I...
in the wrong profession! Why don't the government have...
on earth and awaiting the day of judgement. That is...
can anyone give me a simple english explanation?...
but he had gone to the mechanic already!
But I...
or you want to impose something that can be interpreted...