Only if it's a mojito
Can I change my mind?...
Of course I will
Will there be cakes too?...
I have many weird moments.
Does anyone want to...
I say fire 2 warning the back of his head...
I'm not an idiot, I'm just a bit silly
Way too many for my liking
Are you fake?...
Don't know again
Is it true Khanan is very good...
No idea
How many have extra-marital affairs with...
Yes, but it's costly
Aren't dogs hairy?
Because I am
Are you flirting with me?
Only if it's a mojito
Can I change my mind?...
Of course I will
Will there be cakes too?...
I have many weird moments.
Does anyone want to...
I say fire 2 warning the back of his head...
I'm not an idiot, I'm just a bit silly
Way too many for my liking
Are you fake?...
Don't know again
Is it true Khanan is very good...
No idea
How many have extra-marital affairs with...
Yes, but it's costly
Aren't dogs hairy?
...Because I am
Are you flirting with me?