I think you may be right drmana, I think we've probably...
Ok lawa, thanks. Now I just don't find it funny. She'...
I don't get it :-(
It'll be fine, no-one will notice. I've seen winnie...
Thank you for the lovely messages peeps :-)
I have one slice left, first one here gets it ;-)
lawa, thanks very much. I baked a cake for the first...
WK, you're such a pindoo!
I'm still here peeps, keep getting caught up in fb...
I think you guys might be right! I should probably...
I think you may be right drmana, I think we've probably...
Ok lawa, thanks. Now I just don't find it funny. She'...
I don't get it :-(
It'll be fine, no-one will notice. I've seen winnie...
Thank you for the lovely messages peeps :-)
...I have one slice left, first one here gets it ;-)
...lawa, thanks very much. I baked a cake for the first...
WK, you're such a pindoo!
I'm still here peeps, keep getting caught up in fb...
I think you guys might be right! I should probably...