If some one wants to spoil his family or community....
Give the good manners and stick to it and you are such...
For example in USA, Europe, and other western countries...
I guess you are mixing the meanings. I guess for...
The majority of Qatari people are not used to the gay...
Does this mean if the child is not homosexual then you...
I would not kill them but I will pray that they become...
Would you accept this to your father or brother?...
Would you accept to have a similar situation?
That's all
If some one wants to spoil his family or community....
Give the good manners and stick to it and you are such...
For example in USA, Europe, and other western countries...
I guess you are mixing the meanings.
I guess for...
The majority of Qatari people are not used to the gay...
Does this mean if the child is not homosexual then you...
I would not kill them but I will pray that they become...
Would you accept this to your father or brother?...
Would you accept to have a similar situation?
...That's all