We have a saying which says: Every one sees the...
But do you agree with me deepb?
because if you love her you could have married her and...
do you think that all westerns and expats like you?...
get upset or shocked when we see such a behavior...
I meant angels
but the seventh ant was wearing a high heel shoe...
And I swear to God that I posted this thread with out...
but they have different function and I guess what you...
Yup you got it right
We have a saying which says:
Every one sees the...
But do you agree with me deepb?
because if you love her you could have married her and...
do you think that all westerns and expats like you?...
get upset or shocked when we see such a behavior...
I meant angels
but the seventh ant was wearing a high heel shoe...
And I swear to God that I posted this thread with out...
but they have different function and I guess what you...
Yup you got it right