How many strands of hair left on Risks Head? :P...
Yom Al-Ahad Today! yehaaaw!
August is Summer Month in Europe.
Being the Moderator of QL is the easiest job! =P...
how about cute& gorgeous ? Bald? thnx!
Manila Bulletin, Inquirer & Philippine Star......
salary is based from your nationality.... thats the...
You must first love your self before you can fully love...
sooooo hoooot! Be careful guys especially those who are...
better go to nokia care i guess they can fix it.....
How many strands of hair left on Risks Head? :P...
Yom Al-Ahad Today! yehaaaw!
August is Summer Month in Europe.
Being the Moderator of QL is the easiest job! =P...
how about cute& gorgeous ? Bald? thnx!
...Manila Bulletin, Inquirer & Philippine Star......
salary is based from your nationality.... thats the...
You must first love your self before you can fully love...
sooooo hoooot! Be careful guys especially those who are...
better go to nokia care i guess they can fix it.....