this car weeks ago at Gulf plaza parked near the...
i am on planet Pluto got business meeting there see u...
you are makin me shy for callin me Genuine :D ok...
join the group of walkers who walk on corniche every...
when comin from Tv roundabout goin towards the Town...
hay guys ladies SSSShhh what r u talking. damn...
oh lady cool down whats wrong guess u had a bad day on...
Ghood Morningh Okhay. i only feel sleepy...
be paid now on E-gov sites. the system is up again....
search goolge or yahoo or download dot com thank...
this car weeks ago at Gulf plaza parked near the...
i am on planet Pluto got business meeting there see u...
you are makin me shy for callin me Genuine :D
join the group of walkers who walk on corniche every...
when comin from Tv roundabout goin towards the Town...
hay guys ladies SSSShhh what r u talking.
oh lady cool down whats wrong guess u had a bad day on...
Ghood Morningh
i only feel sleepy...
be paid now on E-gov sites. the system is up again....
search goolge or yahoo or download dot com