Any specail offers for Qler's?
Why dont you contact QF direct. Being the holiday...
Our Oryx is in Afghanistan at the moment. I wounder...
TB let me know closer to the time say by the Friday...
TB if you like I can book for your Al Ghazal Club only...
TB - Thanks for sharing Parco Mall idea might try that...
SA now that is lot of money for an Iftar buffet. Not...
1. What is the standard lease duration? 1year?...
How can I you refer Khanan? Is there an option?
I hear music most of the time on the above two radio...
Any specail offers for Qler's?
Why dont you contact QF direct. Being the holiday...
Our Oryx is in Afghanistan at the moment. I wounder...
TB let me know closer to the time say by the Friday...
TB if you like I can book for your Al Ghazal Club only...
TB - Thanks for sharing Parco Mall idea might try that...
SA now that is lot of money for an Iftar buffet. Not...
1. What is the standard lease duration? 1year?
How can I you refer Khanan? Is there an option?
I hear music most of the time on the above two radio...