Ashia what about Fatal Attractions?
Indorachel..have you heard the expression the customer...
Baldrick2dogs..that where our hash mate Pork prop is...
I did follow you advice and went straight to the bar in...
GT I thought you looked 16 when I saw you last time...
Brit..So what if Betsy is gone.. I hear Dolly is still...
Hmmm Ausie way to cleaning your shite is to take some...
Brit At least you still have her wool to keep you warm...
ha ha BritExpat..nice one my son..
Will try QDC next time when I visit..
Ashia what about Fatal Attractions?
...Indorachel..have you heard the expression the customer...
Baldrick2dogs..that where our hash mate Pork prop is...
I did follow you advice and went straight to the bar in...
GT I thought you looked 16 when I saw you last time...
Brit..So what if Betsy is gone.. I hear Dolly is still...
Hmmm Ausie way to cleaning your shite is to take some...
Brit At least you still have her wool to keep you warm...
ha ha BritExpat..nice one my son..
...Will try QDC next time when I visit..