Uncle Ben -- Its simple,, you are the reason why Expats...
MJ.. lets hire the Khaleefa stadium..lol...
Yup.. I remember the movie.. Madhavan s the actor I...
Thanks for the open invite.. would luv to be tere and...
Good one Mac.....
Ritz ...Nope no dates there man, I was taken by then...
Lol Charan- am not a mumbaiker ..
Hey no hurry...
charan.. shhhhhhh.. callin kenyan babes gorillas?? wher...
Hey charan.. No gorillas in masai mara buddy..Its all...
Infant fare is 10%.. and No seat or free baggage...
Uncle Ben -- Its simple,, you are the reason why Expats...
MJ.. lets hire the Khaleefa stadium..lol
Yup.. I remember the movie.. Madhavan s the actor I...
Thanks for the open invite.. would luv to be tere and...
Good one Mac..
Ritz ...Nope no dates there man, I was taken by then...
Lol Charan- am not a mumbaiker ..
Hey no hurry...
charan.. shhhhhhh.. callin kenyan babes gorillas?? wher...
Hey charan.. No gorillas in masai mara buddy..Its all...
Infant fare is 10%.. and No seat or free baggage...