The procdure would be to ask for it to your employer,...
dimzy do a search on keywords like : booze, liquor...
If you expertise is around "9 months" it could be...
If it says "Aug 09" then "Aug 09" it is.
insister please use english in the main forum.
My guess is
Urban Planning & Development...
Call the BHT front desk for info
Contact the QAWS group, maybe they can provide with...
Contact the group in Ql
Please do not repeat posts.
The procdure would be to ask for it to your employer,...
dimzy do a search on keywords like : booze, liquor...
If you expertise is around "9 months" it could be...
If it says "Aug 09" then "Aug 09" it is.
insister please use english in the main forum.
My guess is
Urban Planning & Development...
Call the BHT front desk for info
Contact the QAWS group, maybe they can provide with...
Contact the group in Ql
Please do not repeat posts.