You are right my friend look at the time..i'm doing...
I never said i want to take her out for a date. I...
Well its the date season..mafi berries here...perhaps i...
I think lynster is just giving us code to email her....
chuck it in the bin on your way out. Or just keep it as...
I dont know why you are crying about it Rizks..girls...
Darude UKeng has developed a secret formula, last time...
Rizks dont be silly cant u see its a black and white...
Rizks this bachelorhood is getting to you man...control...
Damn you woman...24 freaking hours of sleep induced by...
You are right my friend look at the time..i'm doing...
I never said i want to take her out for a date. I...
Well its the date season..mafi berries here...perhaps i...
I think lynster is just giving us code to email her....
chuck it in the bin on your way out. Or just keep it as...
I dont know why you are crying about it Rizks..girls...
Darude UKeng has developed a secret formula, last time...
Rizks dont be silly cant u see its a black and white...
Rizks this bachelorhood is getting to you man...control...
Damn you woman...24 freaking hours of sleep induced by...