Qatar.Man i'm confused and rather scared to answer that...
do i look like i care what model year it is? I'm not...
and that lambo better mean Lamborghini and not lambo-...
You have a lambo? Cool add me on FB you are my new best...
Look its simple, it should not be the concern of the...
Agree with you Abraham, These rules are a joke to begin...
This is not true, again keep in mind there's no set...
Qatar has a long way to go when it comes to...
You are Qatari and you find your country boring?...
You dont want to throw me! I'm all flesh, i would be...
Qatar.Man i'm confused and rather scared to answer that...
do i look like i care what model year it is? I'm not...
and that lambo better mean Lamborghini and not lambo-...
You have a lambo? Cool add me on FB you are my new best...
Look its simple, it should not be the concern of the...
Agree with you Abraham, These rules are a joke to begin...
This is not true, again keep in mind there's no set...
Qatar has a long way to go when it comes to...
You are Qatari and you find your country boring?...
You dont want to throw me! I'm all flesh, i would be...