"...Ya, a poor family having one kid after the other ,...
"........We're doomed by people who can't get their...
"...Humans have made great strides over the last 100...
".........It makes no references to fossil fuels,...
"..........Because we're heading towards a global...
"..........Maybe Islam prohibits permanent methods of...
"...As for vasectomies/hysterectomies being illegal, so...
".......population laws are laws like the one's here in...
Has the average standard of living in the world...
"...Ya, a poor family having one kid after the other ,...
"........We're doomed by people who can't get their...
"...Humans have made great strides over the last 100...
".........It makes no references to fossil fuels,...
"..........Because we're heading towards a global...
"..........Maybe Islam prohibits permanent methods of...
"...As for vasectomies/hysterectomies being illegal, so...
".......population laws are laws like the one's here in...
Has the average standard of living in the world...