It's what he wants. It's his right to choose what he...
GUmby is right. Stupid parents. Thats not a toy for a...
You're just psychic Alexa. One step ahead as always...
Cancer affects everyone. It has no boundaries and is...
S'ok Tweety. Us girlies are delicate fragile creatures...
I'm a veggie but I can surely bring home the soya...
Tweety, as usual, you are right on all fronts....
Oh yeah, that'll go down like a lead balloon.
It's a deliberate ploy to discourage Londoners from...
When did I ever say he was wearing it as a chef? Has...
It's what he wants. It's his right to choose what he...
GUmby is right. Stupid parents. Thats not a toy for a...
You're just psychic Alexa. One step ahead as always...
Cancer affects everyone. It has no boundaries and is...
S'ok Tweety. Us girlies are delicate fragile creatures...
I'm a veggie but I can surely bring home the soya...
Tweety, as usual, you are right on all fronts....
Oh yeah, that'll go down like a lead balloon.
...It's a deliberate ploy to discourage Londoners from...
When did I ever say he was wearing it as a chef? Has...