Bull - Whoever you are,a real person or a virtual id of...
nomerci - " He has (or pretends to) all that every man...
Britexpat - How is it an architectural achievement? To...
Rizks - I told a poem to one of the girls at ramada...
Laken - Are you really sure? I thought it's out of...
Angelina - How can we make this interesting? Please...
Ignominy A state of dishonor EXAMPLE...
lexy - This is not my list :) I wish it was ;)
MN - Would be great if you could provide a link to the...
Manna Pro?
Bull - Whoever you are,a real person or a virtual id of...
nomerci - " He has (or pretends to) all that every man...
Britexpat - How is it an architectural achievement? To...
Rizks - I told a poem to one of the girls at ramada...
Laken - Are you really sure? I thought it's out of...
Angelina - How can we make this interesting? Please...
A state of dishonor
lexy - This is not my list :) I wish it was ;)
...MN - Would be great if you could provide a link to the...
Manna Pro?