some people will bring religion everywhere i dont like...
help these guys first then we should think of changing...
gain points here, no point in remembering the dead...
u can take no problem beautynbrain, no restriction as...
i really appreicate your guts,
Q1, have a nice time in back home, and remember us...
Please try either in Indian super market or in retail...
no that is not legal in qatar.
with loyal points u may not cross 1000 in six months,...
you have 20000 points wonderful,
some people will bring religion everywhere i dont like...
help these guys first then we should think of changing...
gain points here, no point in remembering the dead...
u can take no problem beautynbrain, no restriction as...
i really appreicate your guts,
Q1, have a nice time in back home, and remember us...
Please try either in Indian super market or in retail...
no that is not legal in qatar.
with loyal points u may not cross 1000 in six months,...
you have 20000 points wonderful,