This laws will only be applicable to expats.... if you...
I guess his very late on this. A Philippine engineer...
The only downfall of not updating your firmware to the...
Anybody? It will be very appreciated. Thanks.
lloydN, It's not being lazy, It's a character of...
I'm just being trustful to people here and I don't want...
seth9900: I'm sure that he is a hindi guy, to be exact...
So be it that I'll go and complain, will it do me any...
CID's are sometimes roaming the country for illegal...
Thanks for your response...
You've been a great...
This laws will only be applicable to expats.... if you...
I guess his very late on this. A Philippine engineer...
The only downfall of not updating your firmware to the...
Anybody? It will be very appreciated. Thanks.
...lloydN, It's not being lazy, It's a character of...
I'm just being trustful to people here and I don't want...
seth9900: I'm sure that he is a hindi guy, to be exact...
So be it that I'll go and complain, will it do me any...
CID's are sometimes roaming the country for illegal...
Thanks for your response...
You've been a great...