Noooooooo Brit! That is just a conspiracy theory. He...
Errrr... ummmm.... oh I think that is someone at the...
Wow Jack!! I had no idea bread was such a hot topic...
Yeah and all his furniture was form Ikea
Ah ha! Got you there Brit. Since I discovered the large...
I had more to moan about back in the UK I can tell you...
Well I am happy here
Top up your 20k housing budget with some personal money...
Read this too:...
Click here if you need the music:-...
Noooooooo Brit! That is just a conspiracy theory. He...
Errrr... ummmm.... oh I think that is someone at the...
Wow Jack!! I had no idea bread was such a hot topic...
Yeah and all his furniture was form Ikea
Ah ha! Got you there Brit. Since I discovered the large...
I had more to moan about back in the UK I can tell you...
Well I am happy here
Top up your 20k housing budget with some personal money...
Read this too:...
Click here if you need the music:-...