I wonder how many fans will be coming from England?...
I've read the articles and the lady in the second one,...
when will these women learn??? Mixed culture marriages...
actually 'nic' there IS indeed a research part of a...
Oh FFS you lot, let the poor girl ask questions, it...
Yes, you can sponsor your husband and daughter, no...
No, would you seriously want to take that risk?? Your...
Anyway, don't countries that play England deploy...
Advertise in the Gulf times, always a response...
qualified in what?? Babysitting and cleaning??I'm not...
I wonder how many fans will be coming from England?...
I've read the articles and the lady in the second one,...
when will these women learn??? Mixed culture marriages...
actually 'nic' there IS indeed a research part of a...
Oh FFS you lot, let the poor girl ask questions, it...
Yes, you can sponsor your husband and daughter, no...
No, would you seriously want to take that risk?? Your...
Anyway, don't countries that play England deploy...
Advertise in the Gulf times, always a response...
qualified in what?? Babysitting and cleaning??I'm not...