As Abu pointed out, a recycling system does exist, you...
"But it is a Quranic way to show the people the benefit...
And there's the crux of the matter Hu Wan - if you...
I'm an atheist. The joke calls me and all other...
The way the article is worded implies that it's the "...
A joke that targets a particular religion/race/etc...
I don't think the constitution stands for much though,...
Is this supposed to be a joke? I've no problem with...
It's never the original threads the pull me in to...
For raising and discussing issues about Culture,...
As Abu pointed out, a recycling system does exist, you...
"But it is a Quranic way to show the people the benefit...
And there's the crux of the matter Hu Wan - if you...
I'm an atheist. The joke calls me and all other...
The way the article is worded implies that it's the "...
A joke that targets a particular religion/race/etc...
I don't think the constitution stands for much though,...
Is this supposed to be a joke? I've no problem with...
It's never the original threads the pull me in to...
For raising and discussing issues about Culture,...