But Nic, we have the problems of the world in Egypt! a...
The three of us were born natural friends....:))
"Your bummin out so she says There's sumthin'...
We'll beat the heck out of you guys! you'll see, only...
And we will win :P :P
We're the hosting country, do you want to break the...
Can I explain myself, now that I've confessed my sin...
But Nic, we have the problems of the world in Egypt! a...
The three of us were born natural friends....:))
..."Your bummin out so she says
There's sumthin'...
We'll beat the heck out of you guys! you'll see, only...
And we will win :P :P
We're the hosting country, do you want to break the...
Can I explain myself, now that I've confessed my sin...