Why do u hate consoles???, they are better than buying...
go to le mecure, u will find alot of "hot looking sri...
QBS sucks, infact qbs is the worst radio station on the...
lol charan u cant take a joke??? hahaha... if u can't...
Charan I think they should ban u from everywhere like...
It's funny how things r here. First these workers dont...
Harsha, they will put a family day at ur house too :P...
This is bull sh*t
-------- There are many...
It's not legal but everyone buys them lol, cuz he get's...
U know, I love pissing these people off, this other...
Why do u hate consoles???, they are better than buying...
go to le mecure, u will find alot of "hot looking sri...
QBS sucks, infact qbs is the worst radio station on the...
lol charan u cant take a joke??? hahaha... if u can't...
Charan I think they should ban u from everywhere like...
It's funny how things r here. First these workers dont...
Harsha, they will put a family day at ur house too :P...
This is bull sh*t
There are many...
It's not legal but everyone buys them lol, cuz he get's...
U know, I love pissing these people off, this other...