try in industrial area street no.24 in front of...
me id bien_0707/-at-/ and im...
go to classifieds........somebody post selling pc...
points,points,points you'll get a rewards afterwards...
Lol Bulldog,.....................
7 am until 2 pm.if you coming from muntaza signal...
no you cannot
how about Faye Laura............. congrats anyway...
F S S is that Friday Saturday Sunday?
try there in vellagio kodak infront of carefour,coz me...
try in industrial area street no.24 in front of...
me id bien_0707/-at-/
and im...
go to classifieds........somebody post selling pc...
points,points,points you'll get a rewards afterwards...
Lol Bulldog,.....................
7 am until 2 pm.if you coming from muntaza signal...
no you cannot
how about Faye Laura.............
congrats anyway...
F S S is that Friday Saturday Sunday?
try there in vellagio kodak infront of carefour,coz me...