cd just let me use then ur ball;) . radius...
radius ill give u my uniform;)
rizks nice to play hns ther at qbc....;) ....
tah i mean in bowling...;)
tah beat me so i will treat u one;)
yes of course BB, they can play as well...:)
no prob tahsinmin...;) khanan maybe i will join u...
1)lovemee + 4 2)tahsinmin + 1 . ....
as long as u know how to play u can join us;)
Yes CL bring your own ball;)
cd just let me use then ur ball;)
radius ill give u my uniform;)
rizks nice to play hns ther at qbc....;)
tah i mean in bowling...;)
tah beat me so i will treat u one;)
yes of course BB, they can play as well...:) prob tahsinmin...;)
khanan maybe i will join u...
1)lovemee + 4
2)tahsinmin + 1
as long as u know how to play u can join us;)
...Yes CL bring your own ball;)