Hara-kiri Meaning and Definition (n.) Suicide, by...
"harakiri" is that a Japanese word?
First use Hello, with that spelling, was used in...
i cant read it....damn temptation!
bad idea...really
wait, take ur time...u will...
aha....u must be a lady lobot hahahaha
bad idea...
there is a temporary marriage here, it seems...but why...
oh...have u seen my tv appearance Brit?
let me guess which is u Brit...ahh.....that one
Hara-kiri Meaning and Definition
(n.) Suicide, by...
"harakiri" is that a Japanese word?
First use
Hello, with that spelling, was used in...
i cant read it....damn temptation!
bad idea...really
wait, take ur time...u will...
aha....u must be a lady lobot hahahaha
bad idea...
there is a temporary marriage here, it seems...but why...
bad idea...
oh...have u seen my tv appearance Brit?
let me guess which is u Brit...ahh.....that one