Travel Safely :) - nice blue outfit btw!
DaRuDe and Khanan thank you very much for organising a...
Mila a woman after my own heart!
I would be a...
Proportionate Correlation - uff
thats too...
And we have to guess when? where? how much discount...
Thats a lot of info to keep in your head after a...
just shag around then!
Or maybe...
eh Mr Paul 'all you lot can do is interbreed and give...
Now for the beach you will have to get out of town -...
We could help you more if we knew what you want to see...
Travel Safely :) - nice blue outfit btw!
DaRuDe and Khanan thank you very much for organising a...
Mila a woman after my own heart!
I would be a...
Proportionate Correlation - uff
thats too...
And we have to guess when? where? how much discount...
Thats a lot of info to keep in your head after a...
just shag around then!
Or maybe...
eh Mr Paul 'all you lot can do is interbreed and give...
Now for the beach you will have to get out of town -...
We could help you more if we knew what you want to see...