OH how funny - unfortunately I have just spat museli...
Actually for those of you who complain about Qataris...
dont I know it.... blimey I had a proper fight in...
Well look at the way some people drive.....i had a...
Supernurse is right we are very fair here....we all...
I think the waiter at Harp may disagree with you Azi...
Read carefully and you will see a lot of people talking...
U want to see good photos you need to talk to me!...
looks like it was taken by accident
try skype virtually nothing.... anyway dont call...
OH how funny - unfortunately I have just spat museli...
Actually for those of you who complain about Qataris...
dont I know it.... blimey
I had a proper fight in...
Well look at the way some people drive.....i had a...
Supernurse is right we are very fair here....we all...
I think the waiter at Harp may disagree with you Azi...
Read carefully and you will see a lot of people talking...
U want to see good photos you need to talk to me!...
looks like it was taken by accident
try skype virtually nothing....
anyway dont call...