First I thought the man was sitting with her wife in...
Let's not split any more hairs about this. You can keep...
Refinedsoul Thank God it was Pakistan! Coz No...
Yes there are big Rats in Qatar. Go to the Doha Port...
Legal_Pad you are talking about India of the 19th...
I googled it..nothing about boobs..only about rat...
That is why female rats seldom fall for booby traps!...
Rats have boobs.
Where do Rats bathe themselves? I hope they don't use...
First I thought the man was sitting with her wife in...
Let's not split any more hairs about this. You can keep...
Thank God it was Pakistan! Coz No...
Yes there are big Rats in Qatar. Go to the Doha Port...
Legal_Pad you are talking about India of the 19th...
I googled it..nothing about boobs..only about rat...
That is why female rats seldom fall for booby traps!...
Rats have boobs.
Where do Rats bathe themselves? I hope they don't use...