What a silly question!! The silliest one I ever heard...
Correct Drac, It is indeed Abaya.
My room thermometer shows 14 degrees celcius.
Have you ever eaten 3 roast boar?
my cow video not loading.
Where is the cow? I cannot see the cow. The video is...
What will the Lebanese do with a cow?
Women seldom leave the toilet seat upright after using...
No never ever.
Extra is good. It must be good. Because I often find...
What a silly question!! The silliest one I ever heard...
Correct Drac, It is indeed Abaya.
My room thermometer shows 14 degrees celcius.
...Have you ever eaten 3 roast boar?
my cow video not loading.
Where is the cow? I cannot see the cow. The video is...
What will the Lebanese do with a cow?
Women seldom leave the toilet seat upright after using...
No never ever.
Extra is good. It must be good. Because I often find...