Thanks FS & DA. But which counter do I have...
Angelina Jolie was a candidate in the elections?...
Sex in the desert? With whom? I hope the poor victim...
No No No, I won't eat anything from KFC.
saddam "sex in the city" is boring! I think "sex...
Brigands robbing chocolate from kids! Shame on...
Very Good Advice. I always thought so.
After Borat a lot of men visited Kazakhistan to meet...
Thanks Drmana for the dinner invitation!
Drmana, I too, have some doubts about your culinary...
Thanks FS & DA.
But which counter do I have...
Angelina Jolie was a candidate in the elections?
Sex in the desert? With whom? I hope the poor victim...
No No No, I won't eat anything from KFC.
saddam "sex in the city" is boring!
I think "sex...
Brigands robbing chocolate from kids!
Shame on...
Very Good Advice.
...I always thought so.
After Borat a lot of men visited Kazakhistan to meet...
Thanks Drmana for the dinner invitation!
Drmana, I too, have some doubts about your culinary...