Next Party I will dance! And I promise to give you the...
OK I will. But will you stay awake tonight?
I don't like KFC but I don't mind having a few Mirindas...
I was too late. I don't know what I missed but Mj and...
It was just stupid of the Brahmin dog to eat from a low...
It will be a tense CWgame if at all there will be one...
Wow!!! Susan Chang you better not come to Qatar! You...
Twelve darbukas thumping Eleven ouds a-strumming...
nomerci I am picky.... only eat the Page 3. But...
Next Party I will dance! And I promise to give you the...
OK I will. But will you stay awake tonight?
...I don't like KFC but I don't mind having a few Mirindas...
I was too late. I don't know what I missed but Mj and...
It was just stupid of the Brahmin dog to eat from a low...
It will be a tense CWgame if at all there will be one...
Wow!!! Susan Chang you better not come to Qatar! You...
Twelve darbukas thumping
Eleven ouds a-strumming...
nomerci I am picky.... only eat the Page 3.