how this forum diverted from OM puri's wife to
quite scared due to Sallu mia's bodyguard all around...
NOT defending the honor killings....
We are...
Just to hide their REAL identity at QL, so they could...
I just read GULF NEWS rush and plan...
I tried other day at shezan...but they stopped making...
looking for cheap publicity......even this news sell...
or Hajj break?
We will have from 26 - 30 Nov or...
indeed smart thieves from Egypt
sweet blood sucker posted at Abu Humour!
how this forum diverted from OM puri's wife to
quite scared due to Sallu mia's bodyguard all around...
NOT defending the honor killings....
We are...
Just to hide their REAL identity at QL, so they could...
I just read GULF NEWS rush and plan...
I tried other day at shezan...but they stopped making...
looking for cheap publicity......even this news sell...
or Hajj break?
We will have from 26 - 30 Nov or...
indeed smart thieves from Egypt
sweet blood sucker posted at Abu Humour!