Do I hvae to hvae a hreat to fele tihs tnihg yuo clal...
Labda.. I bge yuor praodn?
Labda.. I kwon.. Tehy siad taht I'm oaky. I od tnhik I'...
Labda.. they gave me this white jacket w/ 10 straps...
Labda.. stop ruining the atmosphere! Don't you know...
LOL @ Labda!!
"If you see this lady turning clockwise you are using...
Ahh! Amazing, I can make her go clockwise or counter...
Wow!! At first she's turning clockwise.. and then when...
Labda is Barack's long lost sister too..
Do I hvae to hvae a hreat to fele tihs tnihg yuo clal...
Labda.. I bge yuor praodn?
...Labda.. I kwon.. Tehy siad taht I'm oaky. I od tnhik I'...
Labda.. they gave me this white jacket w/ 10 straps...
Labda.. stop ruining the atmosphere! Don't you know...
LOL @ Labda!!
..."If you see this lady turning clockwise you are using...
Ahh! Amazing, I can make her go clockwise or counter...
Wow!! At first she's turning clockwise.. and then when...
Labda is Barack's long lost sister too..