Sorry double posting
The cheapest car in the world, hope that it would not...
You know what? Coincidecely, my AKA is Marie.
The Poem is so touching but true. I never thought that...
This email have been sent many times to many people,...
Yes i do, one filipina had, who happened to be my...
Practical living comes first, not wise having partners...
Sorry double posting
The cheapest car in the world, hope that it would not...
The cheapest car in the world, hope that it would not...
The cheapest car in the world, hope that it would not...
You know what? Coincidecely, my AKA is Marie.
...The Poem is so touching but true. I never thought that...
This email have been sent many times to many people,...
Yes i do, one filipina had, who happened to be my...
Practical living comes first, not wise having partners...
Practical living comes first, not wise having partners...