Most of them ask the assistance of shopkeeper and...
Rajinikanth is an Indian Tamil Language Film Actor.......
But hundred of thousands of stupid believe it and...
Check in the classified "ITEMS FOR SALE". You will get...
Sorry I will not be able to answer about the police...
Below is the list of all Halal (Allowed) and Haram (...
Eating Donkey's meat is HARAM (Forbidden) for muslims...
Sorry SaedKhan if I said that. I don't want to...
"Amalp" says he is very simple and innocent like his...
The proper Salaam is ASSALAM-O-ALAIKUM and the...
Most of them ask the assistance of shopkeeper and...
Rajinikanth is an Indian Tamil Language Film Actor.......
But hundred of thousands of stupid believe it and...
Check in the classified "ITEMS FOR SALE". You will get...
Sorry I will not be able to answer about the police...
Below is the list of all Halal (Allowed) and Haram (...
Eating Donkey's meat is HARAM (Forbidden) for muslims...
Sorry SaedKhan if I said that. I don't want to...
"Amalp" says he is very simple and innocent like his...
The proper Salaam is ASSALAM-O-ALAIKUM
and the...