thnx...let me chk....
u know bro its better sa phil embassy natin,,,,kung...
good luck bro after staying there after a couple of...
better to check tomorrow's clasified add at gulf times...
the music will not become a music if you will not...
hey joe we are dreaming also to go thru this company...
1sT i arRivEd hErE iN dOhA i'Ve HeAreD rUmOmrs...
iTsssssssssssssssss ImPosSsibLe hEre tO wAtCh dAt GaMe...
thnx...let me chk....
u know bro its better sa phil embassy natin,,,,kung...
good luck bro after staying there after a couple of...
better to check tomorrow's clasified add at gulf times...
the music will not become a music if you will not...
hey joe we are dreaming also to go thru this company...
1sT i arRivEd hErE iN dOhA i'Ve HeAreD rUmOmrs...
iTsssssssssssssssss ImPosSsibLe hEre tO wAtCh dAt GaMe...