well my tongue language is Arabic,I have studied...
hi Alumnar,will I am going to attend the new coffee...
hehehehe ok if that what u want :)kidding will I`...
thanks for the tip ,I will try to catch them Tuesday at...
Hi I was wondering if you still have vacancies ,cause I...
hi suzan well I tried once before like 3 months and it...
Hi Notiva I always wondered how u find the time to stay...
Hi well I am kind new in Doha am for a year now,I am a...
well my tongue language is Arabic,I have studied...
hi Alumnar,will I am going to attend the new coffee...
hehehehe ok if that what u want :)kidding
will I`...
thanks for the tip ,I will try to catch them Tuesday at...
Hi I was wondering if you still have vacancies ,cause I...
hi suzan well I tried once before like 3 months and it...
Hi Notiva I always wondered how u find the time to stay...
Hi well I am kind new in Doha am for a year now,I am a...