I believe. I give. I take. I do. I don't. I trust. I love. I need. I desire. I lack. I gain. I think. I learn. I teach. I become. I expand. I contract. I harden. I soften. I take in. I let out. I am able. I express. I mistreat. I treat. I try. I always will, and I know it.
I act. I react. I embellish. I sacrifice. I adjust. I defeat. I use. I push. I pull. I misunderstand. I make mistakes. I bend. I flex. I stress. I experiment. I feel. I ache. I require. I restrain. I hold back. I misplace. I wander. I lose. I've lost. I let go. I hold on. I can't help it. I drop. I let down. I proceed with caution. I enter at my own risk. I rebel. Hell no, I won't go. I pay the price. I use force. I don't know my own strength, won't accept my own weaknesses. I fail. I decline. I debate. I argue. I clash. I would, could, should. I can't, so I won't. But I will, and I know it.
I scheme. I tease. I abuse. I lie. I choke. I lash out. I victimize. I take back. I refuse. I blame. I overreact. I take advantage. I descend. I deplete. I deny. I tumble. I fall. I pull .I pull away. I annoy. I scratch. I pick. I scrape. I nag. I initiate. I instigate. I deceive. I fight. I cry. I pout. I shout. I scream. I don't understand. I can't take it. I boil. I steam. I don't care. I weep. I howl. I stomp. I run. I hide. I require. I beg. I plead. I step back. I admit. I bleed. I move forward. I must accept. I need. I let go. I hold on. I can't help it. I never, but I always, and I know it.
I focus. I express. I search. I find. I piece together. I construct. I build. I fix. I mold. I decipher. I balance. I add. I spend time. I act. I compare. I come close. I compromise. I cooperate. I establish. I place. I settle. I devote. I contribute. I listen. I hear. I see I smell. I taste. I feel. I inhale. I ... exhale. I need no one. I need everyone. I take nothing. I take anything. I own. I win. I've won. I count my blessings. I can't say that I have, won't say that I can't. I find peace. I'm not perfect, and I know it.
I wish. I pray. I dream. I will. I buzz. I glow. I laugh. I cherish. I dance. I sing. I leap. I skip. I please. I find joy. I shine. I accept. I console. I sigh. I give praise. I remember. I reflect. I give thanks. I deserve. I work through it. I recover. I have no regrets. I aide. I help. I assure. I am sorry. I live. I learn. I raise. I grow. I develop. I never let go. I watch. I love. I admire. I appreciate. I respect. I do. I will. I have. I smile. I lift. I glide. I fly. I am whole. I am one, and I know it...
I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next???....If you guys don't see updates for longer than a fortnight think something is
terribly wrong with me and I NEED YOU ALL, may be I am gone with the wind.
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